How to Clean Smoke Damage From Painted Walls?

Smoke, which is not as obviously threatening as open flames are, remains a major factor damaging walls and ceilings. Moreover, it is often an issue that is not related to a fire in the house/flat, but to the smoke that have arisen for some other reasons.

Why Can Smoke Damage Your Walls?

Of course, fire remains the main cause of smoke damage. But often the walls are covered with soot after exposure to smoke that has happened for some other reasons. These include:

Thus, to get smoke damage is much more difficult than to clean it.

What Damage Can Smoke Do to Your Walls?

The smoke itself is hazardous to human's health. It contains carcinogenic substances that affect our skin, hair and are accumulated in the lungs. These substances can lead to a variety of illnesses. Therefore, you should not allow smoke access into your home. As for the painted walls, smoke can do the following damage:

Anyway, as soon as you notice the effects of smoke, it's worth starting to clean smoke damage from painted walls. And we will tell you how to do it as efficiently as possible.

Some Tips on How to Get Rid of Smoke Damage on Painted Walls

First of all, you need to determine which consequences you want to remove. Depending on the type of damage, you can choose an effective strategy on how to clean smoke damage from painted walls.

Let's start from the elimination of the smell of burning without the presence of stains on painted walls. To remove the burning smell and at the same time not to cover all the walls with a new layer of paint, it is enough to use DIY advice. Take laundry soap and make a water solution. To make sure the smell disappears, add a couple of drops of orange or rosemary essential oil to the solution. These kinds of oil are quite persistent; their aroma will remove the burning smell. If you do not like them, you are welcome to add any other oil that appeals to you. Apply the soap and oil solution to the walls with a paint roller and let them dry. Remember that this method of cleaning smoke damage from painted walls works only on the walls that are free of stains or cracks. It is good enough only for removing odors.

If your walls are covered with ugly stains after exposure to smoke, it means that the soot has settled on them. It can be dry or oily in composition. But, in any case, it will not work to remove it using ordinary detergents. Only aggressive cleaning methods are suitable. What should you do if the walls are stained with smoke? There are several steps you need to take:

  1. determining the degree and nature of damage,
  2. removing the things that cannot be restored,
  3. cleaning the walls and surfaces from soot and carbon deposits by dry or wet method,
  4. deep cleaning of surfaces,
  5. preparing for repair or restoration if necessary,
  6. eliminating the source of burning smell,
  7. airing the room.

This is the order in which you should act. If you are going to remediate the smoke damage yourself, we have got bad news for you. You'll need to remove paint and putty from top to bottom. Otherwise, you will not get rid of stains and odors. If the damage is not large, you can use a chemical sponge - it will cope with the dirt. But traces of smoke may remain on a large area. In any case, after a fire, repairs to walls, floors and ceilings cannot be avoided as only they can guarantee a complete removal of harmful substances and the ingrained smell of smoke.

Before applying a primer, paint and other finishing materials to the surface, it must be thoroughly cleaned off oily and dry soot. If, besides the unpleasant smell, there are cracks in the paint layer and/or stains caused by the exposure to smoke, then only a complete repair will save. Thoroughly clean the walls off the old paint and primer and then cover with a fresh coat.

The above mentioned solutions, aimed at cleaning the smoke damage from painted walls, are not for everyone. And we highly recommend using the services of smoke damage restoration companies if you feel that you cannot cope with this task. Specialists will be able to choose the right method for removing the smoke damage; they use professional equipment and detergents. With their help, you can be guaranteed to get rid of the smell, stains and cracks left by the smoke on your walls.