Air Conditioner Leaking

Air Conditioner is an indispensable appliance for almost every house. In some states, it helps to cope with the heat. In some other states, it is a reasonable substitute for heating. Wherever you are living throughout the US, AC is your choice to get the microclimate you need. And it could be quite sad if you noticed your air conditioner leaking. So what to do in that case and what measures are reasonable when your AC is leaking? We have gathered lots of useful cases along with some DIY tips when your air conditioner is leaking.

Central Air Conditioner Leaking Water

It is very important to determine why your central air conditioner is leaking. Indeed, the entire performance of the ventilation and air conditioning system in the house depends entirely on its serviceability. Many homeowners prefer central air conditioning. And this is not surprising, because in this case, you can save on the installation of split systems in each room separately.

Central air conditioners are industrial units capable of cleaning and cooling air in large areas - enterprises, workshops, office buildings. They are distinguished by their ability to serve both one large room and several interconnected ones. The durability of central air conditioners depends on their correct operation and timely regular service. And for apartment owners or tenants, the central air conditioning system is a given at all, because it is installed at the stage of building construction. So what to do in case of central air conditioner when water is leaking?

Most often, the symptoms of central AC leaking water are as follows:

These are all signs of a central air conditioner leak.

What to do if your central air conditioner is leaking? First of all, it is needed to call your AC repair service to apply for a technician's visit. The repair of central air conditioners with centralized climate control connected to the duct system and the refrigeration machine (chiller or condensing unit) is often carried out by checking the duct system, refrigeration equipment, central heating systems and, if there is a malfunction, eliminating them.

The repair of central air conditioners is carried out by highly qualified service teams, which have an individual certificate of conformity and experience in the diagnosis and repair of central air conditioners for at least three years.

Central Air Conditioner Leaking Water Inside

Among the most dangerous problems with your central AC can be the situation when the central air conditioner is leaking water inside is on the top. It could lead to considerable damage to your flooring, walls or even electricity and ceiling. Yet there is good news as to notice your central AC leaking water inside is easier than when it is leaking outside the house.

There are several reasons for a central conditioner leaking water inside:

In every case, to solve the problem, thorough diagnostics by a pro is strictly recommended.

Central Air Conditioner Leaking Water Outside

When the central air conditioner is leaking water outside, you can miss the leak as you cannot see it sitting inside your home. Yet, the reasons for central AC leaking water outside are quite similar.

Only an experienced professional can diagnose the reason for a leak. So do not try to fix it yourself.

Split System Air Conditioner Leaking Water

If your split system air conditioner is leaking water, it is a real disaster. It could damage everything around especially walls and electricity in the area where its inner block is mounted. Sometimes, the reason for split system AC leaking water could be quite simple like damaging its hoses or non-proper installation. Yet sometimes the reasons are hidden in pump malfunction.

Split System Conditioner Leaking Water Inside

For a split system AC, it is normal when the water gathered from condensate is flowing outside the room through the special hose. But when your split system air conditioner is leaking water inside, it is real trouble. In this case, as a rule, the air conditioner does not flow immediately after switching on, but after a while - after 20-40 minutes. The intensity of the flood directly depends on the set cooling temperature: the greater the difference between the temperature in the room and the given split system, the more abundant the water will flow.

Reasons for such a weird behavior when a split system AC leaking water inside is:

Split System Air Conditioner Leaking Water Outside

As for a split system AC, water flowing outside in a working mode is natural. Its leaking could be hardly detected. Why is the split system air conditioner leaking water outside?

The outdoor unit of a split system AC leaking water outside could have the following problems:

Heavy icing of the freon lines on the outdoor unit is not normal too.

Window Air Conditioner Leaking Water

Window AC is among the simplest and cheapest option on how to cool the room. Sometimes, the window air conditioner is leaking water so we have collected some reasons why does it behave in that way.

Be sure that is your window AC leaking water it requires urgent maintenance and repair.

Window Air Conditioner Leaking Water Inside

The most common reasons for your window air conditioner leaking water inside are:

Window Air Conditioner Leaking Water Outside

Sometimes, the window air conditioner leaking water outside for the same reasons as when it is leaking inside. We mean:

When the window AC leaking water outside, it seems not real trouble. But it can cause non-effective work in future so it's better to diagnose the leak and fix it urgently.

Portable Air Conditioner Leaking Water

Portable conditioners are quite widespread due to their mobility and compact design. Though, even the most reliable portable air conditioner could leak water.

The reason for portable AC leaking water could be the following:

As usual, for a professional repairman, it is quite an easy task to consider what the reason for the portable air conditioner leaking water is and to fix it.

Air Conditioner Leaking FAQ

Is Water Leaking From Air Conditioner Dangerous?

The water itself is just clear technical water you can use for watering flowers or your lawn. Yet its leaking can lead to hazardous consequences like swollen flooring, damaged wallpapers, spots on your ceiling and its damaging. If AC is leaking inside the hose, it can also damage electricity and lead to rust on metal items. And it is mold that is also a source of a hazard for health and it starts growing rapidly when the air conditioner is leaking.

How Do You Fix a Leaking Air Conditioner?

The process of fixing depends on the problem that caused the leakage. According to diagnostics' results, a technician chooses a strategy of repair. Sometimes, it is enough to change some pipings or sealing to solve the problem. In other cases, complex repair and replacement of key components of the unit will be required.

Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Water Damage from Air Conditioner?

In particular, the homeowners' insurance policy covers AC leaking only if the leak was of a sudden and unpredictable origin. In that case, you'll be covered for the air conditioner repair goal. You should be aware of the fact that a standard policy doesn't cover flood and its damages caused by AC leaking.