Who to Call for Water Damage in Wall?

Water can do lots of harm to your house. In lots of houses, engineering communications are hidden in walls and there are many cases when a leak appears in a wall due to a bad piping or a sudden overflow. Even the most engaged in DIY homeowners cannot cope with water damages in walls so it is quite important to know in advance, whom to call when you get a sudden leak or pipe break in the wall.

Generally, there are 4 basic services you may need in case of leakage like that. Here they are in the list:

Besides, every homeowner who has his homeowner insurance policy needs to contact his insurance company to claim compensation.

Let us consider each of these services in detail to prove you may need them when your wall will be damaged by water.

Leak Detection Service

If you see water flowing or just dropping from the wall, it is the reason to call a leak detection company immediately as time matters in that case. If water stays in the premises for longer than 2 days, it could cause mold and mildew growth. That is why urgent detection of a leak is necessary.

Leak detection services are provided by equipped service members, who apply innovative methods of leak detection. Even if you have no floor plan for your house, they will cope with the task using special equipment that helps to detect leaking pipes or overflow ventilation. After the source of the leak is found, service members will do their best to remove the leak and to stop the water flow.

At the time when the leak detection service is coping with your wall leak, you need to document all the damage. It will be of great use in future when you apply to your insurance company. You can also ask leak detection pros to provide you with official documents proving the leak was sudden (if it is really so).

Water Mitigation Service

Even when the source of water that damaged your wall was blocked, the water is still in the house. In a considerable amount, it could damage flooring and furniture, wallpapers and appliances. It is necessary to delete it from your house. This is a water mitigation company, which can do this job for you.

Calling water mitigation pros you can get that weight off your back saving time and health. Due to the use of special training tools including pumps and fans, a water mitigation company can do all the jobs much quicker than you can. Moreover, this is a key factor you should consider, as it is not admissible to leave water inside the house even for a few hours. Besides water removal, water mitigation pros can also remove all the furniture damaged to the dry room. It is also up to them to provide you with an estimated calculation of damage caused by water. It is a convenient option as you may need that expert calculation for your insurance claim.

Public Adjuster Service

When it comes to an insurance claim, lots of residents fall into despair as preparing documents for an insurance company could be a problem due to their complexity and confusing insurance rules. If you feel you are not ready to do this, you have a strong ally who can help you. It is a public adjuster, which is created and licensed by state laws. It protects the interests of insurance companies' clients. It includes providing you with a consultation, help in drawing up claims for insurance companies and evaluating the damage caused by wall leaks. Besides, your hired public adjuster can represent your interests in the insurance company's office when applying for higher compensation. His work is successful as the compensation is proven more often and its size is higher.

Water Damage Restoration Service

In case you have your furniture and appliances damaged by water, you can choose two basic ways:

The last option can help you saving money and returning your furniture and appliances back to life. An experienced technician can easily say whether the item could be restored or not. And it is up to him to provide accurate restoration for all types of damages caused by water. It is highly recommended to apply for this service if you have antique furniture or expensive appliances damaged as these things can be restored in the majority of cases. Yet, for all other types of your property water damage restoration services will also come in handy.

All these services can help you with your water damage from a wall leak. Their cost is nothing comparing with the total expenses you may have if coping with water damage removing yourself. So do not try to do all the things yourself, as there are services that will help you to do all the things easier and faster.