Mold in Carpet From Water Damage

Water damage is one of the most popular claims applied to insurance companies. A powerful element, water can destroy the toughest buildings. Therefore, you can be sure it can damage furnishings that are more delicate, such as carpets. But if the carpet itself can deteriorate only after prolonged exposure to damp or water, when its threads simply rot, then mold damage occurs much faster. It is not easy to predict if there is mold in the carpet from water damage. Let us figure out how to determine if your carpet is susceptible to mold, what dangers it poses, and how to get rid of it for sure.

In the thickness of the carpet, ideal conditions are created for the settlement and reproduction of mold. It infects first the fibers of the base (there, as a rule, the humidity is higher), then it gets to the pile. In the first days, you may not even notice anything special. Then a musty smell and even dark spots appear.

Mold in the carpet is a mixed colony of various microscopic fungi, as well as putrefactive bacteria. They feed on fibers, gradually decomposing them. Hence the unpleasant smell. Over time, if nothing is done, the microbes will "poison" the carpet so much that it begins to crumble and disintegrate right under your feet.

However, the loss of your favorite carpet is not the very bad consequence of these processes. Mold is also dangerous for your health. It is capable of causing allergies, pneumonia, and intoxication. Of course, it all depends on how many germs have grown and how long you have been breathing this air. There is no need to postpone the solution of the problem because such a carpet is a time bomb. It is proved that more than 300 types of mold contain allergens. This is an almost guaranteed allergy for everyone who lives in the same room with mold.

How to Detect Mold in Carpet?

Primarily, it is worth figuring out if there is any mold on the carpet at all. Of course, if the carpet is covered with characteristic bluish, black or white spots, the answer to this question is obvious. There is also such an option that the mold has already begun to grow in the fibers of the carpet, but so far, it is not visible.

What factors should be considered when assessing the presence of mold?

How Long Does It Take for Mold to Grow in Wet Carpet?

There are no strict timelines for mold to grow in the carpet. The answer to this question depends on several factors:

Professionals say that it takes only 72 hours after the flood or a leak to start the process of intensive growth of mold. Therefore, consider that figure when planning your water damage restoration, mitigation and leak detection routines.

Should Carpet Be Replaced After Water Damage?

This is a prerequisite: as soon as you understand that moisture has got on the carpet, it does not matter, due to negligence, leakage, natural disaster or flood, it must be dried. But before you take the damaged carpet out of the room be sure to take some photos of the damage to claim homeowners insurance. In addition, if the carpet is of great value to you, a photo of its damage will allow the mold damage public adjuster to demand more compensation from the insurance company for you.

The owner himself can remove the carpet from the flooded room. But it is much easier to wait for specialists from the water mitigation service. They will be able to gently move the carpet to another room and develop a cleaning and drying strategy. We do not recommend trying to remove mold from the carpet on your own. Despite the many recipes on the websites, the most effective strategy is to entrust the carpet cleaning and disinfection to professionals.

Mold on the carpet due to water damage is an unpleasant consequence of leaks or floods. But this is not a sentence for your favorite carpet. Very rarely, carpets become completely unusable due to mold, and such cases are associated with the fact that the carpet has been in a humid environment for more than one day or even a month.