Mold Under Wallpaper

Mold Under Wallpaper

When the level of humidity increases, it is quite dangerous because of mold and mildew. Sometimes you can see it shortly as mold is quite visible on the ceiling, on appliances or on wooden parts. Yet, mold has no limitations where to grow and in some cases, you can have no idea it is already in the house. The most obvious example of a situation like that is mold under wallpaper that could damage both walls and wallpaper.

Scientifically speaking, mold is a generic name for a huge number of fungal growths. These are one of the oldest living organisms on the planet, perfectly adapted to a variety of conditions. Their disputes are everywhere. They are present in small quantities in water, air, indoors and outdoors. They do not manifest themselves in any way exactly until they get into conditions suitable for development.

Fungi prefer high humidity, a comfortable room temperature, darkness. If all three conditions are met, the colony develops rapidly, capturing new areas. It can be argued that in every home there are conditions for the active development of the mildew as in bathrooms, all three factors are quite common. However, it does not appear everywhere. Dampness becomes the reason for its growth. Leaking pipes, high humidity, flood and leaking windows all attract mold microorganisms.

Why is mold under wallpaper so dangerous? First, it grows at a great rate when the humidity level rises. In addition, mold is found in large quantities in the air in the form of spores, it settles on any surfaces, but it becomes difficult to cope with it when the mold begins to grow. In addition, mold itself is dangerous to the environment: it easily destroys even concrete, not to mention food or flowers. If you take into account the danger to the lungs, mold in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic is becoming one of the main enemies of humanity, since it can provoke inflammation, destruction of lung tissue, and allergic reactions.

Black Mold Under Wallpaper

The most dangerous type of mold is black mold. Often it occurs even in newly built houses since spores can even appear in the concrete when the walls are poured. And as soon as the atmosphere becomes favorable, mold begins to grow, conquering space.

Among the types of black mold, there are both completely harmless, and those that are assigned to the third and fourth categories of danger. In general, it is believed, that, unlike white or blue mold, it is black that is the most toxic, aggressive and dangerous. It crawls out and spreads very quickly, destroying the most durable materials, including concrete and wood, and black mold under the wallpaper forms unaesthetic black circles, stains that spoil the interior.

Is Mold Under Wallpaper Dangerous?

Regardless of the type of mold underneath your wallpaper, this is a hazard worth eliminating. Even if your home is affected by white mold, which usually grows on food, it can easily damage wallpaper, walls, and wall joints. As a result, the most harmless thing that you have to do is repairs in the house, and with the obligatory processing of the walls with a special composition against mold. If the mold under the wallpaper is black, then there is a high probability that its appearance will also affect your health.

Black mold is especially dangerous:

But even at 100% health, mold in the house is a danger to humans. Its effect accumulates over the years and the danger lies both in the damage to the respiratory tract and in the destruction of the supporting structures of the house.

Finding Mold Under Wallpaper

The problem can go unnoticed for a long time. Spots do not necessarily appear in areas where they are easy to spot. The most dangerous places are corners, areas near window sills and slopes, etc. The fungus asserts itself in small dark specks. If they appeared on the wallpaper, almost certainly a colony had already grown under them. Perhaps not even one. Besides, finding mold under wallpaper could be easy if you know that you had water leaks in the house or your house was flooded recently so you have motives to suspect there is mold in your room.

It is worse if the fungus thrives in a secluded area where it is difficult to notice. However, even in this case, bells will sound, indirectly indicating the problem. The brightest of these bells is the smell of dampness. If it smells like a cellar or basement, then it is time to move the furniture, climb into the farthest corners of the room in search of mold islands. Unreasonable deterioration in health and general condition of household members also indicates contamination of surfaces.

Removing Mold Under Wallpaper

The first step you should make for removing mold under wallpapers is to remove its cause. It makes no sense to fight the problem, leaving dampness and warmth comfortable for the development of the colony. Excess moisture should be removed. Sometimes it is very easy. For example, you can take out linen to dry on the street or balcony, regularly ventilate the apartment and eliminate pipe leaks. Special services like water leak detection service will come in handy to do this.

In some cases, getting rid of dampness is difficult because problems with the ventilation in an apartment or in the house guarantee high humidity. You have to bring it back to normal by cleaning the ventilation shafts, installing additional fans, equipping the kitchen with an extractor hood, etc. It necessary to understand, that it is impossible to get rid of mold colonies otherwise. Drying the room with a professional fan or something similar may also help. However, no matter to say this is a temporary measure. Without effective ventilation, dampness will return.

Then it is time to apply detergents. There are many folk recipes for removing mold and mildew, only complex chemical compounds show real efficiency. There are lots of them in the market, but you should know that using them could be dangerous. The best option is to hire a company to repair for damage from water, as they will match the most effective compound with the type of mold you fight.