Public Adjuster for Earthquake Damage

Earthquakes are considered some of the most destructive natural phenomena. Fortunately, they don't happen very often in most of the United States. However, residents of the West Coast earthquake ring, Alaska, Ohio, will not agree.
Despite quite rare cases, tens and hundreds of households throughout America suffer from earthquakes every year. The destruction is often significant, and homeowners have to go through all sorts of tricks to restore the destroyed property. Unfortunately, the standard homeowners policy does not cover earthquake damage. But, there are also other policies that can help in case of tremors. If you are not sure whether your home will withstand an earthquake, if you take it with a grain of salt, it's better to take out such an insurance policy. Its purchase becomes a necessity in the states with a high seismic activity.
However, just having a policy does not guarantee you 100% success in claiming compensation for the damage caused by earthquakes. Therefore, it is worth keeping in mind a useful professional service, which is provided by a public adjuster for earthquake damage.
Who Is a Public Adjuster for Earthquake Damage
A public adjuster for earthquake damage is a specialist who combines numerous functions in his work:
- He acts as your official representative when submitting documents and communicating with representatives of the insurance company.
- He makes an independent assessment of the earthquake damage to your home to present it at the insurance company in case of disagreement with the insurance adjuster's assessment.
- He helps you draw up documents and fill them out correctly before submitting them to the insurance company, controls the submission deadlines and regulations.
- If necessary, the public adjuster for earthquake damage also engages in disputes with the insurance company if the compensation amount is too small or has been denied at all.
- And, of course, the public adjuster for earthquake damage advises you on every step on your way, providing you with all the information and assistance you need.
How Public Adjusters Determine Earthquake Damage
First of all, it is worth remembering that damage caused by an earthquake can be twofold, visible or invisible. That is why determining it on your own can be a difficult and ineffective task. In case you use the services of a public adjuster for earthquake damage, such a specialist can carry out a complex of highly specialized measures, which will determine the following:
- Is the integrity of the walls broken even if there are no visible cracks?
- Is there any hidden damage in the basement?
- Are there any floods, breaks, or collapse in the engineering networks?
- Are there any other hidden forms of damage that can ultimately lead to the destruction of your home?
In addition to the search and documentation of damage, the public adjuster for earthquake damage evaluates its scale. This is especially important if you do not want to miscalculate and end up with minimum compensation.
Public adjusters for earthquake damage use the toolkit which includes both specialized measuring instruments, digital equipment, and a huge store of knowledge and skills, without which these specialists cannot do their job at the highest level.
What Benefits You Can Get Using the Services of a Public Adjuster for Earthquake Damage
When it comes to hiring a public adjuster for earthquake damage, the fees are fairly high. But, no doubt, these services are beneficial to you. Here are 5 reasons for this benefit:
- You do not waste time on self-inspection of the house in search of facts of damage after the earthquake. At the same time, you do not need to trust only to the insurance adjuster regarding the assessment of the amount of compensation, as, actually, they do not work in your favor.
- You don't have to doubt if there is any crucial damage to the house that you have not noticed.
- You get an opportunity to claim much higher compensation under the insurance policy.
- Your communication with the insurance company is minimized.
- You are fully protected from the cases of refusal in insurance indemnity due to incorrectly completed documents, late application submission or inaccurately indicated losses. The public adjuster for earthquake damage will do all this accurately and on time.
The services of a public adjuster for earthquake damage are not among the most demanded ones. But, the stakes are also high if the earthquake damage to the house is significant. In such a situation, it is better to take advantage of professional support in order to get the best possible compensation for restoring or rebuilding the house. At least, you will get the money to cover the most expensive costs, whereas at most, the compensation will allow you to restore the whole building.