Types of Cracks Due to Earthquake

Types of Cracks Due to Earthquake

Earthquakes can be fatal to humans. For example, the Alaska earthquake on March 24, 1964, was the third most severe in the world on record. And only a small population of the region saved America from impressive losses. But even now it is worth knowing the types of cracks due to earthquakes to understand the seriousness of the situation and be able to correctly assess the damage from an earthquake to your home.

First of all, let's find out how earthquakes are classified.

Classification of Earthquakes in the World

Since ancient times, when from ancient times when instrumental methods for observing earthquakes were not yet used, their traces left on the surface of the earth were compared, in fact, there was a lot of subjectiveness in this comparison. The strength of the propagation of earthquakes depends on the distance of the epicenter of the earthquakes.

In the 19th century, there was an attempt to classify earthquakes according to their effect on human life, on the environment, and on the landscape of the earth. At the end of this century, a scale was widely used in Italy and Switzerland, which divides the vibration of earthquakes according to their intensity on a ten-point scale. In 1902, in Italy, Giuseppe Mercalli compiled an intensity scale on a 12-point scale. It is it that is used today to assess the destructiveness of earthquakes. And at the same time, it helps to determine the types of cracks due to earthquakes.

How to Classify Types of Cracks Due to Earthquake

Let's start with the minimum scores. If we are talking about shocks of 1-4 points, then the maximum that awaits you is a crack in your favorite glass if you left it on the edge of the table and was accidentally thrown to the floor by an earthquake. In this case, 99% of all buildings remain intact and intact.

But from 5 points, damage begins to be more significant. For example, with sudden shocks and changes in temperature inside and outside the building, window and door panes may crack. This is also quite normal, and often does not require the intervention of rescue services. For private houses of the old building, cracks in the plaster and shedding of the plaster are quite real.

At 6 points, heavy furniture can already move and cracks can form in it. Sometimes cracks can appear in the walls of panel houses and buildings made of reinforced concrete blocks. The inner walls of houses made of raw bricks or clay blocks also suffer from cracks.

And with 7 points, the types of cracks due to earthquakes can be very different. This level of earthquakes is already catastrophic because cracks can affect load-bearing walls and floors.

From 8 points and above, it is no longer just about cracks. With such a force of tremors, buildings can completely collapse. Therefore, in such earthquakes, it is imperative that residents be evacuated to a safe place or shelter in the basement.

Knowing the types of cracks due to earthquakes is useful not only for safety. In the future, this information may also be useful to you to apply to the insurance company.