Signs of Earthquake Damage

Earthquakes, even rare ones, can significantly damage your property. Especially if you live in a risk zone. There are several seismically unstable zones in the United States, where residents know firsthand about the signs of earthquake damage. These include California, the west of Nevada, Alaska, which together form a ring of earthquakes, and the state of Ohio, which regularly shudders with earthquakes in summer and autumn. The cause of these earthquakes, like most tremors in the United States, is the movement of the Pacific and North American plates, between which the famous San Andreas Fault is located. Earthquakes with a magnitude of more than 8.5 occur here every 120-140 years. Earthquakes with a magnitude of about 8 occur more often - once every 10 years. The state of Washington, where earthquakes up to magnitude 8 are recorded every 20 years, is also included in the Pacific Rim.

Fortunately, high magnitude earthquakes do not happen every year. But, there is also bad news. The signs of earthquake damage can appear even after weak earthquakes. Let's take a closer look at what signs of earthquake damage can appear in your home and how to identify them.

What Are the Signs of Earthquake Damage in the House?

First of all, the main sign that something is not OK with your home is the earthquake itself. It is important to behave correctly during tremors, if possible, not to be in a closed room or near the objects that may fall down. In terms of their strength, earthquakes have a rating from 1 to 12. Often, earthquakes with a magnitude of 1-3 points are not felt by people at all. These earthquakes can cause minor damage to your property. For example, kitchen utensils may get broken or a chandelier may fall. No more. Quite another matter is an earthquake with a magnitude of 4 points and more.

Signs of earthquake damage in your home can be as follows:

Checking Your Home for Damage After an Earthquake

It is very important to identify the signs of earthquake damage in your home before it's too late. Sometimes it looks like a structure has survived but serious damage to the foundation or cracks in the walls can end up being fatal to you and your family.

What must be checked after an earthquake?

You can do a self-inspection or seek assistance from emergency services to detect signs of earthquake damage. It is also worth asking for a rescue report about the damage to your home immediately. And then, of course, you need to contact your insurance company.

Is Earthquake Damage Covered by HO3 Policy?

Unfortunately, in most states, earthquake loss and damage are not covered by a homeowners insurance policy. If you live in a risk zone, your insurer can offer you to buy an additional insurance policy to protect your home from earthquake damage. Therefore, be prepared for the fact that you will have to pay additionally for the confidence in the future and protection from earthquakes.