What to Check In Your House After an Earthquake?

Any earthquake is shock and horror. Its consequences can often manifest themselves only after a while. You may already have forgotten about your recent terrible experience, but, suddenly, a new wave of destruction covers your home. What can be done to prevent negative consequences? We have come up with a short guide for you so that you understand what exactly must be checked in your house after an earthquake.

What Parts of Your Home Might Be Affected?

Of course, everything depends on a number of factors. An earthquake may not have any effect on some houses at all, but other ones may be seriously affected by its destructive power. You'd better consider the influencing factors right away, before an earthquake damages your property.

All this should be taken into account when building or buying a house. And it is definitely worth considering pre-reinforcing your housing if earthquakes are not uncommon in your state or county.

Some words about what exactly is worth inspecting after an earthquake. It is important to understand here that your safety depends on several factors at once. One of them is the integrity of the foundation, walls, roof, etc. This is what must be checked first of all in your house after an earthquake. But there is more! Some other details are just as important. In the event of an earthquake these include:

Who Should Be Trusted to Check the House After an Earthquake?

First of all, if you want to check your home after an earthquake, make sure it's safe to enter it. To do this, consult with the rescue services. Then you can try to independently check the main rooms and walls for cracks, displacement and other kinds of damage. We strongly recommend that you do not climb onto the roof yourself because it can be dangerous. Likewise, you should avoid basements, because your life is worth more than any house anyway. In addition to your own examination, during which you can use your smartphone to take photos/videos of the damage, you can also delegate this task to the following services:

Overall, it's important to remember to check your home after an earthquake to be sure that it's a safe and comfortable place to live.