How Much Does It Cost to Rebuild a House After an Earthquake?

Do you know that it is the International Day for Disaster Reduction on October 13? Earthquakes are among the most ruining natural disasters as underground tremors can level to the ground entire neighborhoods. Each year, thousands of households around the world suffer from earthquake impacts. And it is not a really rare thing when an earthquake ruins a house and makes it unsuitable for living there.

It is real luck if your home has withstood the disaster and hasn't got numerous damage issues. In other cases, you may need to rebuild the house after an earthquake. Even the thought about such an undertaking makes a person really worried as it sounds costly. We can assure you that prices may vary greatly when it comes to rebuilding a house after an earthquake. So, let's consider the average cost of this work.

What Are the Average Costs of Rebuilding a House After an Earthquake?

It all depends on the complexity of the damage and the size of the house itself. But not only this affects the total cost of repairs. Additional factors that can increase the cost of rebuilding a house after an earthquake may include:

In any case, you should not order home rebuilding services from the first agency you come across. Even in your neighborhood, the price for such services may be different. Find below a few numbers that are common throughout the United States. They are not the ultimate because, in the end, everything depends on the type and amount of damage, the type of construction, and location of your home.

Usually, the most expensive part of house rebuilding is the restoration of the foundation. During the earthquake, it is under significant stress from both sides at once. From above, the foundation is under the load of walls, floors, roofs, and the entire building as a whole. In case of an earthquake, the load from the tremors is added to this. Under the best of circumstances, the foundation will require slight strengthening. But more complex work will be required if there are cracks in it or some of its pieces have simply collapsed. The cost of such work starts from $5,000 and can be twice as much. It all depends on the area, the type of foundation, and the type of damage inflicted by the earthquake. But a complete house reconstruction can cost many times more, starting from $30,000. And there is simply no upper limit to this amount.

Forewarned Is Forearmed

If you do not want to risk your money, it is much better to think in advance how to reduce costs in the event of an earthquake. There are two ways out. You can combine them in a complex manner or just choose one of the options.

All this, of course, will not be a panacea if the earthquake magnitude is 10+. But, this will reduce the likelihood of significant damage that might require to rebuild the house after an earthquake.